Hello, I'm Yi Fei.

I am a Ph.D. student at the Augmented Perception Lab at the Carnegie Mellon University Human-Computer Interaction Institute with David Lindlbauer. My work is generously supported by the Croucher Foundation. I have a broad interest in computational interaction and its applications in emerging Extended Reality (XR) systems. My particular focus lies in developing computational approaches for adaptive XR and building interactive systems and toolkits to support its creation and evaluation.

Before starting my Ph.D., I completed my Bachelors degree in Computer Science at Swarthmore College. I am fortunate to have worked with wonderful research mentors, including Christian Holz at ETH Zürich, Michael Nebeling at the University of Michigan, Jan Gugenheimer at TU Darmstadt, and Xiaojuan Ma at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST).

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InteractionAdapt: Interaction-driven Workspace Adaptation for Situated Virtual Reality Environments

Yi Fei Cheng, Christoph Gebhardt, Christian Holz

ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) 2023 [Paper]

Cross-Device Shortcuts: Seamless Attention-guided Content Transfer via Opportunistic Deep Links between Apps and Devices

Marilou Beyeler, Yi Fei Cheng, Christian Holz

ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI) 2023 [Paper]

Controllers or Bare Hands? A Controlled Evaluation of Input Techniques on Interaction Performance and Exertion in Virtual Reality

Tiffany Luong, Yi Fei Cheng, Max Möbus, Andreas Fender, Christian Holz

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG) 2023 [Paper]

HOOV: Hand Out-Of-View Tracking for Proprioceptive Interaction using Inertial Sensing

Paul Streli, Rayan Armani, Yi Fei Cheng, Christian Holz

ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2023 [Paper]

XSpace: An Augmented Reality Toolkit for Enabling Spatially-Aware Distributed Collaboration

Jaylin Herskovitz, Yi Fei Cheng, Anhong Guo, Alanson P Sample, Michael Nebeling

ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Conference (ISS) 2022 [Paper]

ComforTable User Interfaces: Surfaces Reduce Input Error, Time, and Exertion for Tabletop and Mid-air User Interfaces

Yi Fei Cheng, Tiffany Luong, Andreas Rene Fender, Paul Streli, Christian Holz

IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR) 2022 [Paper]

Towards Understanding Diminished Reality

Yi Fei Cheng, Hang Yin, Yukang Yan, Jan Gugenheimer, David Lindlbauer

ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2022 [Paper]

SemanticAdapt: Optimization-based Adaptation of Mixed Reality Layouts Leveraging Virtual-physical Semantic Connections

Yi Fei Cheng, Yukang Yan, Xin Yi, Yuanchun Shi, David Lindlbauer

ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST) 2021 [Paper]

Hybrid paper-digital interfaces: A systematic literature review

Feng Han, Yi Fei Cheng, Megan Strachan, Xiaojuan Ma

ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS) 2021 [Paper]

XRStudio: A Virtual Production and Live Streaming System for Immersive Instructional Experiences

Michael Nebeling, Shwetha Rajaram, Liwei Wu, Yi Fei Cheng, Jaylin Herskovitz

ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems 2021 [Paper]


In the past, I dedicated a significant amount of time to exploring drawing, painting, and architecture. As an artist, I was fascinated by the interaction of light with physical structures and how it could be portrayed in two dimensions.


